Shrine Updates
09/10/01 - Creating The Shrine 26/10/01 - Ahh! I finally could take the time to update my baybee's own shrine ;) NEW! More meetings were added New article and interview from Bass Player (November 2000 issue)Also, new quotes were added 30/10/01 - Our honourary members were added to the members' list today! YAY! ;) Way to go, gals! Good and Evil Sparky รก la South Park by Mr. LeMon 10/01/02 - My humble apologies!! This page hasn't been updated for ages. I've been quite busy. Sowwy everyone! I'll try to do my best and make major updates... Thanks for your patience!
This Week's New: Adam's Glasses Q Magazine Interview / October New members!! Oh yes, we're growing! :)

The Shrine
Visiting this site will give you an idea why this man is so irresistible ;)
Birthday March 13 1960 as Adam Charles Clayton in Chinnot/Oxfordshire in England. Children none Relationships In 1992 he dated Naomi Campbell. Nowadays, he lives with Suzie Smith. Family Father:Brian Clayton
Mother:Jo Clayton
Sister:Sarah Jane Clayton (known as Sindy)
Brother:Sebastian Clayton
Precision Bass 1972, natural, CBS-era, with Jazz Bass neck from 1972 Jazz Bass 1964, natural, CBS-era, with Jazz Bass neck from 1966 Precision Bass 19XX, white, with black pickguard Jazz Bass 1972, natural, CBS-era Jazz Bass, 19XX, sunburst Telecaster Bass 19XX, used during the "Rattle and hum" tour Custom Auerswald #00CCCC bass used for POPMart. Stingray, 4-string, white Stingray, 5-string, white, white pickguard Gibson Thunderbird, mahagoni natural, played on the "Desire"-Video in Rattle and hum Gibson Les Paul Bass, white, seen in the album-booklet of Achtung Baby ZON Legacy Bass Ibanez Musician, brown, Adam used it for the whole WAR-Tour and Unforgettable Fire-Tour
(Thanks to U2 Sound site)
Adam: Look guys, I got a Springfield spoon for my spoon collection. Edge: Oh boy, here we go... Bono: Wow, how many is that now, Adam? Adam: 9, if I didn't have my spoons, I'd go insane.
Bono: Can I see it?
*Adam gives Bono the spoon, Bono tosses it away*
Adam: My spoon!
Mr. Burns: Wankers!

Familiar? LOL
Thanks a bunch to Mr. LeMon ;)
Spoon me ;) |