...Club Members
AM Antje is from Iceland, she is chair"wo"man of RSOC! She plays bass, just had her first gig ever :), loves Sparky (don't we just all?) and her RSOC sisters (that would be us! Love ya too, Antje! :)) CatDubh aka Betty Dalton Suzie is from Budapest, Hungary. She is the founder of RSOC. She's been a "diehard" U2 fan and the creator of this not-so-original site :) J-Tree Sarah is from Alberta, Canada. This is what she has to say about herself:
"Duties: religious head of Sparkyism, inactively observes heretics and blasphemers within Sparkyism, interprets and teaches the fundamental truths of Sparkyism through texts obtained from oliveu2cm Issues of Importance: posting Sparky pictures, ardent worship of the one refered to as Sparky, actions of Sparky which may or may not be deemed worthy of discussion... which usually end up being discussed anyway! LOL Oh yeah, bassist. It would be inappropriate for the Pontiff to not be familiar with the instrument in question. LOL" madamc Elaine is from Canada.
Carrie is the Queen of Sparky Quotes. She is 22 years old and is from Mass. You can find the URL to her webpage(www.u2takemehigher.com) on the link site.
Sparky's Girl
Of course! Maria! How could I forget our one and only Maria! Sorry sis!! :)
Izzy and Elizabeth is gonna join us soon... as soon as I find out who they are! :)
April is one of our honourary members. She earned this position and it's our pleasure to have her here! :)
Mon is the "second of two" :) She promised she'd be back posting pics for the club! Way to go, Mon! Glad to have you back ;)
...and some more about Adam
"And just what is it about Mr Clayton that sets him apart from the rest of his U2 brethren, then? Well, some people walk the walk, some talk the talk while others just keep quiet, look cool, break into the occasional filthy grin and pose naked for album covers. Bono might have his saving the planet thing, Larry's a madman for the motorbikes, we hear, Edge, well. He's got his hats. But Adam Clayton? You don't hear much about Adam's hobbies. That's because Adam's too busy living that rock 'n' roll lifestyle 24-7.
Well, at least we like to think he is. While the other three (devoted family men all) have gathered about as much tabloid gossip between them to fill roughly, ooh, this column, one always felt that Adam was obliged to make that bit more of an effort on their behalf. Hence the Legendary Arrest Incident (where he took a Garda for an unexpected spin, clinging onto the side of Clayton's motor for dear life), the Aborted Celebrity Engagement (we suspect he could have tamed Naomi Campbell's legendary temperament (we're just not sure whether he would have been bothered), and the complete absence of anything resembling giving a damn. In two decades, his entire extra-curricular output (the occasional session appearance aside) consists of the theme for the first Mission Impossible movie, which was a cover version, and a none too imaginative one at that. Not that Adam Clayton is a slacker, mind."
Derek O'Connor
No subject really! :) BUT!! Droolworthy pics, YAY!!
23rd RSOC meeting
3rd weekly meeting 21/08/01: 1.A big hug for all the PLEBA girls going to Slane 2.Report: the influance RSOC has on other PLEBA girls (yes, it's working) 3.Welcome all the new Sparkyholics 4.Special greetings to Sparkygirl 5.Pop, Pop, Pop, popmusic
4th weekly meeting 28/08/01: 1. Whatever - I still can't think straight after Slane
2. 'Chin up'-pics
5th weekly meeting 04/09/01:
1. drool over Adam pics
2. drool over Adam pics
3. drool over Adam pics
4. drool over Adam pics
5. JT era
6th weekly meeting 11/09/01:
1. Post your favorite Sparky quotes. Either quote the main man or quote someone who's talking about Adam
2. Special greetings to Sparkys girl, who was banned from Interference (??? too many sexy Sparky pics??? )
3. Sexy pics (shouldn't be a problem )
7th weekly meeting 18/09/01:
1. AM's poor outcome of the U2 personality quiz (I need a hug!!!)
2. Looking for the pic of Adam wearing a chamber pot.
3. Adam, our fashion God
8th weekly meeting 25/09/01:
1. We are better than the Bono-club!!!
2. We are better that the Edge-club!!!
3. We are better than the Larry-club!!!
4. We are better than the Paul McGuinness-club (just in case there is one )
5. What about pics when Adam was young and innocent Boy/October era
9th weekly meeting 02/10/01:
1. Fact: we are better than all the other clubs
2. Fact: RSCO rocks!!!
3. Adam is like wine - the older the better
4. Elevation pics
10th weekly meeting 09/10/01:
1. Adam pics
2. Adam Clayton pics
3. Adam Charles Clayton pics
4. Sparky pics
5. Betty Dalton pics
6. Madam Clayton pics (the original )
11th weekly meeting 16/10/01:
1. Important message: when someone posts Adam threads, please respond!!! -> Interference
2. Important message II: post Adam pics! How about the Zoo-TV era?
12 th weekly meeting 23/10/01:
Today we´re going to do something different.
Comment this one:
BP: If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
ADAM: A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes.

Don't forget to sign the guestbook! :)
RSOC Guestbook
I'll share a secret with you, but hush...don't tell anyone!! :)
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